Thank You for Ten Years

Year 10 for The Material Collective has come to a close and I find myself even more grateful for the amazing growth that has come from a collective effort this past year. Iris keeps you all informed of new introductions from our wonderful manufacturing partners. I love that we have a similar wit and whimsy and that we sprinkle it into these weekly updates for your reading pleasure. Karine has been a welcome addition, not only for her sales performance, but also for the camaraderie and idea sharing that comes with having a teammate. Even though our collaboration with Vanessa in Las Vegas is new, her energy and deep connections there are sure to provide a solid foundation for her success. Finally, to our manufacturing partners and customer service teams who provide us the constant support needed for pursuing challenging custom projects, meeting installation deadlines and budgets, and going above and beyond for our VIP's - we couldn't be successful without you!! Cheers to 2023 and the next 10 years!!

Mary Blanchard