Customize your Parasoleil project
In addition to a large library of standard product patterns, Parasoleil can customize per designer and client's need to create an artistic and durable experience that will leave a lasting impression in any space, indoor and/or out.
Here in Arizona, you may have already experienced their custom work... If you've been to the Arizona Biltmore and have admired the patterned metal panels that clad the building. They bring a lot of unique shadows play to the grounds. Kitty's Pattern was originally a custom pattern that was inspired by The Biltmore's block design to create a pattern that coordinated with the design. The result seems as if it was a part of the original design, even though it was a newer element added in the project's expansion and renovation. If you have a project needing custom cladding, dividing or shading, remember Parasoleil product custom is a perfect product to add a finishing touch that wows. Contact me for more information.